Johanna Reich
Studio Ost
08 03 25
29 06 25

The works brought together under the title ‹Sphaera› focus on subtle tones, the nuances that herald profound changes. For me, it is an experimental setup to interpret the signs of the times. The Latin term «Sphaera» recalls the «Sphaera Copernicana», a model of the Copernican heliocentric worldview, which marked the beginning of modern scientific thought and a turning point in history.

For centuries, humanity has sought to dominate nature through technology, thereby distancing itself from it. However, with the development of artificial intelligence, we are becoming increasingly aware that we need to reconsider how we perceive humanity: Do the traits that make us human such as emotionality, spontaneity, intuition, and unpredictable complexity perhaps connect us much more closely to the animal and plant world than to the machine? Is perpetual progress truly progress?

Exhibition supported by