Mathias Weinfurter
08 03 25
29 06 25

The foyer of Kunsthalle Darmstadt, a glass hall that seamlessly connects the interior and exterior, is set to become a new exhibition space for large-scale artworks. The inaugural exhibition features sculptor Mathias Weinfurter, the current Charlotte Prinz Scholarship recipient of the City of Darmstadt. In the Kranichstein district, he finds inspiration in the residential towers of the 1960s and 1970s. The once-abandoned ideal of combining aesthetics and efficiency continues to captivate him.

In his spatial installations, Weinfurter often works with mass-produced industrial materials. Through deliberate interventions, he disrupts their standardized forms or employs repetition as an artistic strategy to imbue the objects with new meaning. In ‹Solitär›, he animates concrete slabs, whose surfaces mimic the paneling of prefabricated buildings, to «leap» through the exhibition space.

Exhibition supported by